


本周的冰雪使联合国大会的活动降温, leading to canceled committee meetings 和  abbreviated floor sessions in the House 和 森ate. 的 primary action on the chamber floors occurred in the 森ate, which approved 与失业保险相关的法案. 的 conditions slowed down bill filing as well, with 20 filed in the 森ate 和 seven in the House. 至少有一位议员对旅行中的麻烦很感兴趣. 森. 夏洛特的杰夫·杰克逊周二,在许多人没有到达的情况下,他来到了立法大楼, staged a mock coup on Twitter 和 Facebook that became a one-day viral sensation, joking about passing bills that his fellow Democrats want 和 the 代表ublican majority does not. 

的 winter weather got in the way of House consideration of a 森ate-approved measure intended to stabilize transportation revenue, but House leaders indicated this week that they will try to quickly move the bill while making some changes. sb20 IRC更新/汽车燃油税变动 该法案上周在参议院以35票对15票通过. 该法案提供了一个直接的解决方案.汽油税减少5美分, but would establish a tax floor starting in 2016 so that the road building 和 maintenance dollars that it generates do not continue falling with the price of gas.

几位重要的众议院议员表示,他们支持这一想法, but may want to amend the legislation to include a tax ceiling so that it does not rise above a set rate. House members also say they hope the bill will open the way for consideration of House legislation for a longer-term plan for road 和 transportation infrastructure. 的 League continues to urge you to contact your legislators 和 ask them to support this bill, 哪一个对更稳定的交通资金来源至关重要, 包括给市政当局的鲍威尔比尔美元. 

如果汽油税保持不变, 预计每加仑汽油将下降6到8美分, 因为它与批发燃料价格挂钩. This will lead to an overall drop in transportation dollars of $300 to $400 million, 鲍威尔·比尔法案的资金大幅减少, 去年是1.47亿美元. Read previous League coverage about the bill 和 our statements in support of the legislation 在这里. 阅读媒体报道 在这里. 联系人: 玫瑰威廉姆斯

House leaders indicated this week that they are working on a bill that will restore money to a favored job recruiting incentives program, 就业发展投资补助金. 这一举措出台之际,加州州长奥巴马. Pat McCrory has been urging lawmakers to put money into depleted state incentive programs designed to lure new businesses 和 jobs to the state. 众议院领导人表示,他们的计划将为JDIG拨款提供更多资金, 还要授权“众筹”,“通过小额融资, 个人投资, 并改变一些公司的企业所得税计算方式. 365足彩下载成员 approved a legislative goal calling for support of "funding for state-level incentive programs necessary to keep North Carolina competitive in its efforts to bring additional jobs 和 economic development to local communities.看看媒体对众议院领袖计划的报道吧 在这里.

A troublesome reporting deadline facing municipalities that own high- 和 intermediate-risk dams may be moved. 周三,在众议院拨款委员会上, 代表. 查克•麦迪 提出修正案 SB 14 Acad. 标准/规则审查/煤灰/基金 延长非煤灰业主的期限, 高、中风险水坝需提交 紧急行动计划(eap). 的 amendment was approved by the committee 和 would extend the deadline from March 1 to December 31. 的 2014年煤灰管理法 changed the format in which EAPs are submitted 和 the extension would relieve many municipalities whose water supply dams require the plans. 365足彩下载感谢麦迪代表的帮助. SB 14 定于周二在众议院举行全体听证会. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

的 North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled this week that the state Department of Transportation must compensate property owners in Forsyth County whose l和 faced development restrictions for years after the DOT identified it as being in a road corridor plan. 的 ruling that potentially upends the Map Act could have implications for municipalities, although delays once corridor plans are established 和 associated problems for private property owners have been linked mostly to state road-building. Besides the ruling in Forsyth County, a similar lawsuit in Wake County is pending. 阅读更多关于裁决的内容 在这里 看看法院的判决 在这里.
格雷格Gaskins, 夏洛特市前首席财务官, will replace Vance 去的 as Deputy State Treasurer for State 和 Local 政府ernment Finance Division. Gaskins was appointed by State Treasurer Janet Cowell 和 began in the post this week. 去的, 自2006年以来谁一直担任该职位, retired from state government in January 和 was named finance director for the Town of Apex. 365足彩下载祝贺并祝愿他们在新的岗位上工作顺利. 阅读更多 在本新闻稿中 从财务主管考威尔的办公室.

A third piece of legislation calling for an independent redistricting process was filed this week at the General Assembly, 63名众议院议员签署了该法案. HB 92无党派重新划分委员会 would put the job of drawing legislative 和 congressional maps in the h和s of a five-member commission 和 the 立法 Services Office. 的 General Assembly, which now has the job, would vote the maps up or down. 的 bill also sets up a tight criteria for how the districts would be formed, 包括要求考虑县和市的边界. 

365足彩下载成员, 在12月, approved a legislative advocacy goal calling for a nonpartisan means of creating legislative 和 congressional districts, 以及莫里斯维尔市临时市长利兹·约翰逊, NCLM董事会成员, joined a group of bipartisan legislators at a news conference earlier this month to tout this legislative proposal 和 others calling for an independent redistricting process. HB 49/SB 28独立重新划分委员会 是本月早些时候提交的吗. 请阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

政府. Pat McCrory has tapped Murphy Councilwoman Barbara Vicknair to serve on the Cherokee Preservation Foundation Board of Directors. 的 foundation is responsible for protecting the natural resources on Cherokee tribal l和s that face degradation as a result of traffic 和 growth associated with gaming activities. 它还有助于经济发展. 的 League extends its congratulations to Councilwoman Vicknair on the appointment.

Lt. 2012年,州长丹·福里斯特和他的民主党对手,前州众议员. Linda Coleman, both said this week that they will seek the office again in 2016. Lt. 福里斯特州长以6858票的优势赢得了竞选.300万铸造. 与此同时,州参议员. Tamara Barringer of Cary indicated that she is mulling a run for higher office. 阅读更多关于选举舞弊的信息 在这里在这里.