
League Bulletin

February 22, 2019

WHAT HAPPENED: 随着大会进一步进入长时间会议, and as bill filing ticked up -- 118 new bills since last week -- municipal and legislative leaders grouped to break bread and discuss what they can accomplish together at the truly fruitful 2019 Town & 上周三365足彩下载在罗利举办了国宴.
WHAT IT MEANS: 立法机关还有很长的路要走, 除了处理众议院或参议院的无数提案外,预算编写过程仍在进行中, but the harmonious tone set by our local and state leaders on Wednesday was powerful for contextual understanding of community-level needs and outcomes in lawmaking. 来自北卡罗来纳州各地的数百名官员参加了会议, 你会在这篇公报中找到更多的信息. 
ON TAP: Gov. 罗伊·库珀定于周一交付他的 国情咨文, 概述支出的优先事项和预期,作为国家预算编写过程中的一种里程碑. 州长建议的预算预计将在不久的将来出台, 而参众两院也将起草预算草案,这些草案必须与最终版本一致. 在该领域的发展中, 大会工作人员专家项目 本财政年度有1.5亿美元的盈余.销售税收入增长3%. 此外,网络销售税,作为 Wayfair法院里程碑式的判决根据工作人员的报告,每年可以为该州带来1.3亿美元或更多的收入. 与此同时,法案审查也在加紧进行.
THE SKINNY: 2019年长会期, 虽然还处于早期阶段, 正在形成势头, and it's important that North Carolina's cities and towns and their representatives in the General Assembly keep the positive communication flowing for the best and most-informed outcomes. 我们感谢2019年的小镇 & 国宴起到了极大的推动作用. 

The 2019 Town & State Dinner, with a full day of programming capped by an intimate dinner between municipal and legislative officials this past Wednesday in Raleigh, 作为一个令人难忘的成功而载入史册. 还在立法初期的长会期, close to 500 officials representing either cities and towns or House and Senate districts across the state gathered at the Raleigh Convention Center to discuss teamwork for the months ahead and beyond. 这次365足彩下载组织的活动的重点, 已经满了, was to strengthen or establish new relationships between these levels of government with the understanding that we accomplish more together than apart. “我们都有一个共同的目标,那就是创造一个更好的北卡罗来纳州, 让我们的每一个城镇都更适合我们的公民居住,365足彩下载主席迈克尔·拉扎拉说, 杰克逊维尔的临时市长, 告诉大家. 

After tightly attended daytime learning sessions on hot topics like affordable housing and adequate broadband access, 市政府和州政府官员在主要活动开始前举行了联谊招待会, 由拉扎拉总统主持,特别演讲嘉宾包括参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰, Sen. 来自教堂山的瓦莱丽·福希,众议院临时议长萨拉·史蒂文斯. Airy, and Rep. 加里的盖尔·阿德科克. 潜在的主题是一个不断发展和变化的国家的团结, while President Lazzara highlighted the fact that cities' and towns' legislative goals -- on infrastructure needs, economic growth, fiscal health and more -- reflect diversity in the state's 540-plus municipalities and 170 legislative districts. 
“我要感谢联合国.C. 市政365足彩下载邀请我昨晚在他们的年度会议上演讲 & 国宴,”伯杰参议员发推文说 他的Facebook主页 on Thursday. "Cities and towns play a vital role in providing core services to millions of North Carolinians and I appreciate the great work that our local elected officials do every day." 
伯杰和史蒂文斯都赞扬了改善该州经济的立法努力, while also acknolwedging areas of the state that have lagged behind in the aftermath of manufacturing-job losses and other challenges, 州和地方官员必须继续解决这些需求. Foushee讨论了市政和州政府官员的密切工作,使所有公民受益, while Adcock noted her experience on the Cary Town Council and how that informed her understanding of municipal government needs.
这次活动再次受到团员们的热烈欢迎. 尊敬的唐·哈迪市长, on Twitter他说:“到场的人很多. 我们的地方政府官员和全国人大代表团的大力支持!! #NCSTRONG!!!" 
365足彩下载感谢所有参与2019年小镇建设的立法委员和市政官员 & 国宴如此有意义的场合.

2019年小镇的与会者 & 周三在罗利举行的国宴上看到了一份简报, League-produced video highlighting local-level initiative for economic development and a hunger to work with other levels of government and the private sector to deliver the wins our communities need for quality growth. Featuring Eden, Sanford, 福奎-瓦里纳和卡纳波利斯, that video, “我们是一个北卡罗来纳,,可供浏览 here​.

The need for adequate broadband access in communities across North Carolina found spotlights this week from media outlets including the Fayetteville Observer and the News & 罗利的观察员, with opinion pieces published in both papers noting the potential for modern connectivity to bring new economic possibilities to rural communities. "There's no way anyone can run a data-intense business on the slow-crawling DSL service that's often the only option in small towns," the 费耶特维尔观察家编辑部指出. 这篇文章还引用了共和党众议员奥巴马的话. David Lewis, 谁是众议院规则委员会的主席, 选自他的选举通讯, 宽带是他2019年长期会议的首要任务. “为了给全州的人们提供光纤, 政府(联邦, state, county, 本地)应该能够投资光纤基础设施, and in turn, 将它们租给向消费者出售访问权限的服务提供商. 我们必须做点什么,这样这个州的人民才能与这个不断变化的世界联系起来," he said. 
A piece the N&O published by Katie Kienbaum of the Community Broadband Networks Initiative at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) highlighted the League's recent Let's Connect tour (done in partnership with ILSR and NC Hearts Gigabit) on the need for better connectivity. “北卡罗来纳州是美国人口增长最快的州之一, 但它在一个关键指标上落后于同行——宽带,文章一开始就提出,改善将来自私营部门的贡献, 农村合作社以及地方和州政府. 
Meanwhile, the N.C. 宽带基础设施办公室本周公布了26份申请1000万美元的申请 大格兰特宽带基础设施项目 加强宽频接达. 拨款申请来自各种互联网服务提供商(地方政府没有资格)。. 在19个项目合格的县中, 有多达三个项目申请, with some proposing to reach groups of residents and businesses with speeds well in excess of the federal definition of broadband (26 mbps download/3 mbps upload), 而其他国家只能达到或低于这个标准.  
365足彩下载收集了大量关于宽带差距的信息资源 oldtimer-markt.net/broadband​

Proposals that would allow a voter referendum on increased local revenue options highlighted bill filings for cities and towns this week. 每项提案都将使受影响的市政当局的收入来源多样化. Currently, 北卡罗来纳州城镇控制的唯一重要收入来源是房产税率. 365足彩下载党预计,在未来几周内,类似的地方法案也将提交, but interested cities and towns should make these requests of their local legislators as soon as possible in order to meet deadlines. 参议院地方法案申请的截止日期不迟于2月6日(下周三). 27. 众议院地方法案申请截止日期为3月6日星期三.​
阅读365足彩下载追踪的所有账单的描述 这个在线账单跟踪器.
地方税收选择法案: Separate bills filed this week would allow Mooresville and Roanoke Rapids to implement a municipal-only sales tax, 由选民投票决定. In Mooresville的案件,所得款项将用于道路建设和维护. And 去罗阿诺克急流城, 收益将用于偿还与罗阿诺克急流剧院有关的债务, 而增税将在全部偿还债务后被废除.
ABC现代化: Twin bills​ filed in both the House and Senate this week seek to implement recommendations from an interim legislative study committee that examined the ABC system (read the League’s report on that study here). 最重要的是市政当局, 该法案要求拥有一个以上ABC董事会的县合并, 导致每个县只有一个委员会. 该法案详细规定了合并应遵循的程序, 但保留了现有的与地方政府分享收入的制度. Also, 为了使“烈酒”的分销和销售现代化,还有其他一些变化,该法案授权各城市允许ABC在其管辖范围内的商店在周日营业.

在签署谅解备忘录4个月后,北韩和美国达成了协议.C. 都市市长365足彩下载本周正式签署了附属协议. The agreement was signed by Metro Mayors Coalition Chair and Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan and League 执行董事 Paul Meyer on Wednesday during a meeting of the NCLM Board of Directors.

Vaughan said during that meeting that the agreement showed “that our municipal family in our state is strengthening our bonds.” Both she and NCLM President Michael Lazzara noted that the agreement furthers the ability of municipal government in North Carolina to speak with one voice. 365足彩下载党和365足彩下载党以前是联属关系, 从2001年到2013年, 其中,国际365足彩下载提供内部服务. 同时作为独立的实体存在, 365足彩下载的成员资格与365足彩下载党完全重叠. 该协议是在两个组织之间进行了几个月的讨论之后达成的, 双方都认识到合作的价值. 

本周发布了一系列经济发展公告. "State Awards Grants to Rural Communities to Attract 153 New Jobs and More Than $69 Million in Private Investment" 头条新闻发布 from the N.C. 商务部周四发布的报告. 该州农村基础设施管理局(Rural Infrastructure Authority)为地方政府批准了11项拨款申请,总计4美元.100万美元,并承诺创造460个就业岗位,其中153个是新宣布的. “对基础设施的明智投资对于加强北卡罗莱纳州农村社区至关重要,美国商务部长安东尼. Copeland said.
在其他公告中:基因治疗公司AveXis将为美国带来200个工作岗位 Durham area; Aetna announced 300 jobs for High Point; and healthcare product maker BestCo plans to create 141 new jobs and a big expansion to its Mooresville facility. Close bonds with the communities and their abilities to deliver on private-sector needs were credited in the announcements. “公司选择投资于他们能够成功的社区, BestCo决定在摩尔斯维尔扩张,因为它了解这个社区,” said Gov. Roy Cooper. 

Gov. Roy Cooper has announced the appointment of local government officials to the North Carolina Emergency Response Commission, 据内部州政府新闻社报道. 其中包括伊丽莎白市警察局长埃迪. 布法罗和伍德芬市市长杰里·维霍恩. The commission​ is an 18-member state board tasked with protecting our communities through emergency planning and informing them about chemical hazards, 其他职责. ​​
