


事情发生的经过: 大会派出了州长 权宜法案 to continue federal funding to North Carolina as the state budget impasse held. 否决州长预算否决的投票没有实现, 尽管多数党继续为此而努力. Separate end-of-session-ish bills continued moving as chamber leaders kept committees open for business. 一名共和党众议员辞职. ​​
单词释义: 我们还是要去联合国大会, though House Rules Chairman David Lewis did tell the Insider State Government News Service that the number of bills under consideration will thin out next week and in the week after. 州预算否决仍在日程上.
利用: 替换辞职的立法委员是有程序的, 在北卡西部的113选区, 直至今日(星期五)中午 被科迪·汉森占据了他在一份声明中解释了他的离开 Facebook帖子. Until that seat is filled (and as of this writing it was unclear when that will happen; 由法律规定 the party selects someone and the governor is supposed to approve the appointment within seven days of that), 共和党这边就少了一票. 众议院领导人预计下周每天都会进行投票. 
瘦子: There's plenty of activity around Jones Street as we hit the 26th day of the new fiscal year, though we haven't seen publicly any signs of agreement between the governor and legislature that would lead to a signed and enacted state budget. 但我们正在跟进的法案已经有了一些行动. 请继续阅读更新内容. 


A bill placing rules around billboard relocations passed the Senate on Tuesday after senators approved several favorable amendments. HB 645户外广告法修订 允许广告牌所有者重新安置标志, 根据众多的限制, when the removal is prompted by a condemnation action such as for a road widening. 在整个立法过程中, the League has worked to place more restraints on where the signs could be moved during condemnations. The League appreciates the willingness of the primary bill sponsors to include these restrictions. 该法案现在回到众议院进行一致投票.

库珀政府正在大力365体育足彩其改善宽带接入的努力, even while acknowledging that many rural areas of the state remain without reliable and fast internet connections. State Chief Information Officer Eric Boyette was in Morehead City last week speaking to the Interstate 42 Corridor Commission Board of Directors about state initiatives to improve broadband access, 重点关注的是奥巴马政府签署的行政命令中包括的那些人. 罗伊·库珀在三月. The executive order’s provisions and other action by the Cooper administration have the potential to both boost and to benefit from local public-private broadband partnerships. FIBER NC法案, 以压倒性的两党支持介绍了这次会议, would unlock the ability of local governments to partner with private ISPs to build broadband networks. 阅读更多关于Boyette的讨论 在这里.

本周, 议院酒精饮料控制委员会 举行听证会 HB 971现代酒精管制执照模式, which would make significant changes to the system of liquor sales in the state. 没有进行投票,预计不会立即对该法案采取行动. 该法案的发起人通过a 提议的委员会替代者并释放了 财政备忘录 显示了该法案的财政影响. 该法案要求在明年1月6日之前关闭所有州ABC商店. 1, 2022, shifting to a system of 1,500 private vendors who would sell by permit. 基于消费税的变化, the fiscal memo shows local governments collecting $55 million more in revenue than under the current system by the year 2022-23. 代表. 查克•麦迪, 谁发起了这项法案?, indicated support for ensuring local governments receive more revenue than before. The bill sponsors have signified there is still work ahead and welcome feedback from interested parties.

-预算:在法律上还没有国家预算, 立法机关向州长提交了一份有限的权宜之计法案, HB 961确保联邦资金的授权.该法案列出了涉及的项目, many of which are under the Department of 健康 and Human Services or are for community development​​.

-公用事业安全:参议院通过 HB 872地下公用事业安全法/变更,这将对 地下设施安全和损害预防法 并赋予地下破坏预防审查委员会更多权力. The bill was the result of a broad stakeholder process and now goes to the governor for his signature.

流量控制: HB 784交通管制训练计划 该法案已在众议院获得通过,并已提交参议院审议. It would direct law enforcement agencies to increase the age requirement for traffic-control officers and set up a training course in the community college system.

-Hemp: After disagreements on a proposal to define ​​non-psychoactive smokable hemp as marijuana, 众议院委员会本周通过了一项替代版本的 2019年北卡罗来纳州农业法案SB 315 用不同的方式定义它们. ​WRAL覆盖 这个故事包括了执法部门的观点.​

在最近的联合国大会上 讨论 抢先制定地方短租法规, WRAL采访 League Director of Political Communications and Coordination Scott Mooneyham about why local governments -- knowing best the circumstances and wishes of their communities -- should maintain the option of local authority. While commercial hotels and motels in dense areas are typically adhering to zoning regulations, short-term rentals like Airbnbs are becoming defacto hotels in residential areas, which some communities have sought to regulate for the protection of neighbors, 穆尼汉姆在上周末播出的一篇文章中指出. “这些人需要得到保护, 他们的生活质量需要得到保护, and the investment – the most important investment most people will ever make – needs to be protected,穆尼汉姆说. 完整的视频和随附的文章已经发布 WRAL的网站

The Town of East Spencer and the City of Durham are the latest communities showing the economic development strength of local communities at 我们在这里成长,365足彩下载和 WRAL TechWire sharing potent stories of responsible growth and great returns as driven by North Carolina's municipalities. 去东斯宾塞镇, a 1,500人口的皮埃蒙特小镇, 自2012年以来,它的座右铭是“改变形象,改变心态”." At herewegrownc.org,小镇 这就解释了他们是如何做到的 with wise planning, aggressive grant pursuits and healthy involvement from residents. 达勒姆 这是一个故事 of how the city's government used local funds to leverage private investment and encourage economic stability in historic Northeast Central Durham, 近年来,哪些公司出现了企业倒闭和不良连锁反应. 现在情况正在好转. "The restoration and redevelopment of these properties has helped the continued revitalization and vitality of this targeted commercial corridor and its surroun​ding neighborhoods,一位市政官员说. 阅读有关它的所有内容 我们在这里成长,也请考虑分享你所在城市的故事. Cities and towns across the state are flexing talents and resources to enable prosperity, 创造新的就业机会,提高生活质量. 联系 about@herewegrownc.org 了解更多信息. 

The State Water Infrastructure Authority has signed off on $112 million in loans for communities' water and wastewater needs. The loans vary in size and are going to communities from the mountains to the coast. 墨菲镇的价格下跌了近795美元,000 for sewer fixes; the City of Fayetteville is getting $22.500万美元的污水处理系统资金. “这些贷款开始解决基于最大需求的挑战。. 罗伊·库珀在一次采访中说 新闻稿. It notes that the 20-year water-and-sewer infrastructure needs-list ranges from $17 to $26 billion. The press release has full information about the funding source and projects that have received aid.