


发生了什么:国会爆发了 月. 

含义是:它可能看起来不太重要 downtime to outsiders -- a few weeks -- but municipal officials know what we and 我们的国家al counterparts have been pushing for: immediate, direct financial relief for municipal governments, hurt by negative revenue impacts under the coronavirus shutdowns, so they can keep up with the everyday needs of their 居民和企业继续推动经济发展. 讨论 federal decisionmakers haven’t signified being close to a deal on a relief 包. 

现场直播:预计参议员们将在工党结束后立即回来 一天. 

要点:直接资助……的理由 cities and towns has swept through the newspapers and among business groups. 现在, 新国民 城市365足彩下载报告 数据显示城市和城镇 都处于危机边缘,这对整个国家有多坏. 

它可能会 是9月. 8 before Congress turns the key on a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 relief 包. 美国.S. 参议院关门 它的会话 周四离开了小镇,并计划在周四返回 date, and did so without a deal in place for the next coronavirus relief 包, which we’ve urged to include direct relief for cities and towns so 被政府关闭的影响所束缚. 但没有达成协议却不是 specifically over local funding; points like unemployment benefits and business 援助存在争议. 但对于全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)来说,时机已经成熟 of the Senate’s leave was notable -- it coincided with the release of a 新报告 这表明市政当局处境艰难. 

缴送工作已经 released its annual City Fiscal Conditions report for 35 一年s now, and the newest one “reveals that America’s cities are experiencing the fiscal consequences of this pandemic-经济低迷 at an unprecedented speed -- and like recent recessions, it will take 一年s for municipal budgets to recover from the 新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响,”该组织表示. 它调查了485个不同的 municipalities across the country for the report, which concludes direct 资金“对我们国家的财政健康至关重要”.” 

全国州长 Association joined NLC and other local and state government groups this week in 解决迫切需要. 包括美联储主席杰罗姆在内的顶级经济学家 Powell, former Chairman Ben Bernanke and the leading ratings agencies agree that helping states, territories, counties, cities and towns will blunt the worst effects of the recession and help build a stronger recovery,” the 协会在一份声明中说 新闻稿 “的re is wide bipartisan agreement that state and local governments came into this recession with unprecedented rainy-day reserves to help deal with the next 经济低迷. No one could have anticipated a once-in-a-century pandemic combined with the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression, but with lives and livelihoods on the line, state and local governments are stepping up and 接听电话.《365体育足彩》 覆盖面更广

低 response rate to the 2020 Census in North 卡罗莱纳 has new need for attention 人口普查局宣布 会缩短 人口普查时间轴 尽早结束手术. 请尽你所能 to encourage census responses in your community; non-responses will cost our 社区数十亿美元的联邦资金. 

的 以下内容来自 卡罗莱纳 人口统计学:

“截至7月31日, approximately 4 million North Carolinians still need to respond to the census 否则北卡罗来纳州可能会损失约7美元.各出资40亿美元 一年. N.C.’s current 2020年的人口普查 response rate is below the national rate and 低于我们州2010年的水平. 北卡罗来纳州的社区没有 responded at high rates are predominantly rural, Black, and Brown, with low 互联网接入."

N.C. House 演讲者 Tim Moore this week named members to the new House Select Committee on Community Relations, Law Enforcement, and Justice, and has 包括市政府代表. 委员会,其成员是 House lawmakers or appointed from the public, will look at the state’s criminal justice systems in the process of proposing methods to improve police training 以及与社区的关系.

演讲者 Moore noted that the committee will review accomplishments so far with the 第二次机会法案和提高年龄法案. 摩尔议长说:“我们有一个独特的 opportunity through our strong public membership represented on this committee to continue making real progress for North Carolinians on issues that affect 我们的国家. This bipartisan committee includes diverse perspectives to confront tough questions and identify policy reforms that help overcome discrimination, excessive force, and corruption in the criminal justice system to improve 确保北卡罗来纳人的公共安全.”

加入 the committee by 演讲者 Moore’s appointment are Nicole Stewart of the Raleigh City Council and NCLM Board of Directors along with Tariq Bokhari of the 夏洛特市议会. 委员会的全部名单可在 新闻稿

Asheboro, Dunn and Henderson are the newest of the North 卡罗莱纳 Main Street Communities, recognizing hard work on downtown development and rejuvenation. “We congratulate Asheboro, Dunn and Henderson on joining the ranks of our state’s Main Street Communities,” said North 卡罗莱纳 Commerce Secretary 安东尼·米. 科普兰. “这个称号证明了我的辛勤工作 阿什伯勒、邓恩和亨德森的社区领袖. 他们已完全承诺 improving the economic well-being of their towns through the North 卡罗莱纳 Main Street program, and their work serves to inspire other communities 考虑市区振兴.” A 新闻发布会上 有更多的. 

的 North 卡罗莱纳 Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management and the North 卡罗莱纳 Department of 健康 and Human Services has announced a “new, expedited” reimbursement program toward expanded non-congregate 2019冠状病毒病疫情期间的庇护所. 

“To slow the spread of this virus, individuals with 新型冠状病毒肺炎 need to isolate and avoid close contact with others — but in many circumstances that can be a ndhhs部长曼迪·科恩在一份声明中说 新闻发布会上 细节. “North Carolinians need access to non-congregate sheltering — like hotels or dormitories — so they can isolate safely and protect their loved 的. This expedited funding will help communities create options for North Carolinians who need a safe place to isolate and recover due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎.”

新闻稿解释道 the funding allows local jurisdictions, agencies and community organizations to 收到所有符合条件的费用的加急报销.