
League Bulletin

October 20, 2017

The N.C. 上诉法院 issued an order that assures nearly all law enforcement jurisdictions in the state can take action locally against unlawful electronic gaming or video sweepstakes operations. The new order specifically restricts a temporary restraining order (TRO) 这是今年早些时候由昂斯洛县高等法院发布的 favoring an electronic gaming company that was challenging the state's law against video sweepstakes businesses. Although the TRO came out of Onslow County, law enforcement officials across the state 我认为这束缚了他们的执法 对抗彩票机器. 上诉法院的命令, 上星期五进入, renders the TRO invalid for all jurisdictions not party to the Onslow case, 这对警察局长和治安官来说是个好消息 were ready to act on such operations in their jurisdictions but held back per the TRO.

A 提出的解决方案 to an HB2-related lawsuit would order that "transgender people are not prevented from the use of public facilities in accordance with their gender identity.提案中“公共设施”的范围. 罗伊·库珀办公室 于星期三公布, is limited to those in executive branch agencies including the governor's and attorney general's offices. “行政部门被告, 以官方身份, 以及所有的继承者, officers, 员工在此被永久禁止执行 Section 2 of H.B. 142 (the bill that replaced HB2 但仍被质疑为歧视)禁止, prohibit, block, deter, or impede any transgender individuals from using public facilities under any Executive Branch Defendant’s control or supervision, 根据跨性别者的性别认同,提案中写道. Media outlets are reporting that the parties who brought the lawsuit are willing to settle on those terms. 大会领导人 including Sen. Phil Berger 公开反对拟议的和解.

州长库珀周三也发表了讲话 signed an executive order "to promote diversity and prohibit discrimination in government agencies and government contracts in an effort to make North Carolina a welcoming place to all.“行政命令属于州政府, but notes that "it is necessary to provide state and local government actors with clarity and guidance regarding existing laws and policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation....行政命令第5条申明“所有县, municipalities, 政治细分, 地方政府机构, and private entities in North Carolina may establish their own policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, 以及基于雇佣禁忌理由的报复, 提供服务, and contracting.“因为它与市政当局有关, 内部反歧视政策和合同, Section 5 of Governor Cooper’s Executive Order largely reiterates and clarifies longstanding law and the changes approved in March.

U.S. senators on Thursday approved an amendment to their budget layout that could jeopardize the state and local tax deduction, or SALT, which has been a central focus between city officials and Capitol Hill in recent weeks. 这项修正案是由麦凯恩参议员提出的. 西弗吉尼亚州的雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托, labels the SALT deduction as a candidate for cutbacks in plans for tax reform, 尽管它并没有特别要求对其进行任何更改, 50号公路报告.

全国城市365足彩下载(NLC) quickly reacted. "Local leaders know that SALT prevents double taxation by allowing millions of middle class families to deduct their local property, 销售税和所得税, and helps local governments raise the revenues needed to make critical investments in infrastructure, 公共安全和教育,NLC主席马特·Zone说. He added: "Any plan that truly claims to grow the American economy must include cities.全国州长协会(National Governors Association)也加入了讨论, 称修正案令人失望, 根据五十号公路. 林肯最近几周的通话也包括在内 for local officials to contact their members of Congress to reinforce support for SALT.

目前正在进行为2020年人口普查做准备的项目. "The Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) program is a once a decade opportunity for local governments to verify the Census address list for their area, and an accurate address list is important to getting Census questionnaires to every household,国家数据中心的一份声明说. 人口普查工作人员将保管卢卡 下周开始全州范围内的培训课程. 其他会议也正在安排中.

These sessions are free and are aimed at local government staff who may be involved in address verification. 会议将于上午9点开始.m. 每个都将持续几个小时. 如果您计划参加LUCA培训课程, 请填写“LUCA培训通知”文件.

本周,议员们回到罗利,推翻了州长的提议. 罗伊·库珀的否决 2017年SB 656选举自由法案. The Senate began the override Monday night and the House followed through on Tuesday. lined IN报道 关于该法案及其上周的否决. The legislation changes the definition of "political party" by reducing the number of signatures needed to form a new one and for unaffiliated candidates to get ballot access eligibility. 它还取消了2018年大选的司法初选. 库珀州长对撤销决定的反应是 statement.

在覆盖之后, a new, separate bill materialized for a constitutional amendment that would create two-year terms of office for justices and judges. SB 698, filed by Senate Rules Chairman Bill Rabon, is titled "Increase Voter Accountability of Judges." News outlets have captured some of what legislators are saying about the proposal.

Officials are invited to comment on the 2018 Annual Action Plan draft and Substantial Amendment draft of the 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan, 它们现在都在N上.C. Department of Commerce State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) website. An Oct. 13 announcement from the department says: "The Substantial Amendment is adding the Neighborhood Revitalization as a third category to the CDBG Program. Comments concerning the 2018 Annual Action Plan and Substantial Amendment can be made anytime during the next 30 days."

CDBG funds are available to local governments for projects to enhance the vitality of communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities. 这些拨款由美国农业部资助.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, primarily serve persons of low- and moderate- incomes.


The 新一期的南方城市杂志 gives a closer look at two of North Carolina's longserving elected officials. On the cover is Zebulon Mayor and Immediate Past President of the League Bob Matheny, who discusses his first spark of interest in municipal office four decades ago, 这些年来他所看到的小镇的变化, and his philosophies on growth and a government that connects well with residents. Sen. Angela Bryant 这期的特刊是议员吗. 她概述了自己的服役生涯, 之前在落基山市议会任职, 现在是她的第六个任期,作为一名议员,她经受住了挑战, 还有继续前进的动力. 还有很多值得一读的 new Southern City这是国联的双月刊. It's an important advocacy and learning tool for municipal officials and the general public alike.
