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League Bulletin

October 27, 2017

Officials are strongly encouraged to sign by Nov. 1 a petition 敦促联邦通信委员会(FCC)在制定宽带规则时更彻底地考虑地方政府的观点. The final meeting of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC)是美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)下属的一个机构,定于11月11日举行. 9. The BDAC, 在其成员中,哪个不成比例地支持宽带提供商而不是公共实体, 预计会发布关于消除州和地方政府对宽带部署障碍的建议吗, and model state and local codes for broadband deployment. BDAC的工作还与FCC正在进行的规则制定直接相关,该规则制定的重点是在宽带基础设施方面抢占地方当局的先机, wireless sites, and negotiations with broadband providers, which the National League of Cities and many cities, as well as state municipal leagues, have actively lobbied against this year.

The leadership of NLC, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Counties wrote a letter 敦促FCC在其BDAC建议和正在进行的有关地方土地使用和路权治理的规则制定中更充分地考虑地方政府的观点. 在这封信上加上你的名字,反对联邦政府对地方宽带决策的过度干预, complete this form by Nov 1.


因为我们经常听到“城市与农村”这个词——就像这是两个截然不同的地区之间不可调和的竞争一样——有很多城市和农村社区共同努力、相互学习的例子, obliterate stereotypes on each end and team up on common goals. 认为“城市”和“农村”描述了一个真正复杂的地方经济的整体也是错误的. On this episode of Municipal Equation, the League's idea-exploring podcast, 在与全国城市365足彩下载会面之前,我们将前往肯塔基州检查一个成功的障碍打破者,称为农村城市交流,以描绘出我们的城市和城镇到底有多多样化,以及它们如何相互依赖. Municipal Equation comes out biweekly on the League's website and at Subscribe on iTunes or Google Play. Send your ideas to host/producer Ben Brown.

City officials across the country are voicing concern following U.S. House approval of the $4 trillion Senate Budget Resolution on Thursday. The resolution is non-binding, but includes language that threatens the state and local tax (SALT) deduction on the path to tax reform. National League of Cities President Matt Zone weighed in, calling the SALT deduction a vital, bipartisan-supported resource for municipalities.

“这项预算决议向各城市发出了一个信息,即他们应该继续以更少的资金做更多的事情. Any budget plan that truly claims to grow the American economy must invest in cities, 因此,我们将继续向国会和政府发出一个强有力的信息:SALT和市政债券的免税是不容谈判的.” More information is available at


此前的一项裁决称,2011年的立法地图包含了“不公正的种族划分”地区,而大会在8月份批准了新地图,以解决这一裁决. This latest directive from the court, questioning some of the new districts, creates the prospect that the map-drawing process could be taken away from legislators, 2002年也发生过这样的事情,当时另一起关于选区的诉讼导致法院为一次立法选举强加了地图. Read the latest media coverage about the redistricting fight here and here.    

President Donald Trump on Wednesday directed Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to establish an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS, or drone) Integration Pilot Program. An outline from the White House 他解释说,该计划旨在鼓励航空创新,同时维护空域安全. 该计划将允许州和地方政府在其管辖范围内提交无人机“创新区”的提案. “感兴趣的政府应该为联邦和非联邦在其管辖范围内管理无人机飞行的角色提出明确的框架, 并应描述由行业或地方政府安全进行的创新无人机飞行," the outline said.

The National League of Cities (NLC) responded with optimism. "We welcome today’s announcement to establish a UAS program in partnership with local, state and tribal governments," NLC said in a joint statement with the National Association of Counties and the U.S. Conference of Mayors. "We play a key role in public safety, transportation infrastructure, economic development and other public services that intersect with UAS policies. Through this pilot program, 我们希望与联邦政府和私营部门合作,探索将新技术整合到我们社区上空的最佳方式,并为社区提供必要的灵活性,以满足我们居民的需求." UAS discussion has ramped up in recent years. The League has followed it closely, with a local-officials forum and a podcast episode among educational efforts on the topic.

A new website allows anyone to track real-time data on the Hurricane Matthew recovery. The N.C. Department of Information Technology announced on Tuesday in a news release 将其描述为“方便获取灾难恢复的详细资金信息,包括按县的信息”.它包括该州收到的援助请求数量和发放援助数量的汇总数据, with breakdowns by funding source, agency and county.

“这种程度的详细信息很容易获得,将提供有关使用灾难恢复资源的即时信息和额外的透明度," the release explains. 州政府还可以利用这些数据来制定救援目标,并跟踪实现这些目标的进展.该州表示,该网站还将用于追踪未来任何其他自然灾害.

受飓风马修影响的小企业现在可以申请新宣布的1500万美元融资. 州长办公室周三表示,社区发展整体拨款灾难恢复小企业恢复援助计划是由联合国支持的.C. Department of Commerce and nonprofit lenders, and is detailed on a new website. "When Hurricane Matthew hit, small business owners lost store fronts, equipment, furniture and revenue, and many aren’t yet able to reopen," said Gov. Roy Cooper. "Small business owners can use these funds to fix damage, replace equipment, and get their business up and running again." A news release provides program contact information.

Programs are underway to prepare for the 2020 Census. “当地人口普查地址更新(LUCA)计划是地方政府每十年一次的机会,可以核实其所在地区的人口普查地址列表, 准确的地址列表对于将人口普查问卷送到每个家庭很重要," says an announcement from the State Data Center. Census staff kicked off LUCA training sessions around the state this week. Additional sessions are being scheduled as well.

这些课程是免费的,针对的是可能涉及地址验证的当地政府工作人员. Sessions begin at 9 a.m. and last a few hours each. If you plan to attend a LUCA training session, please complete the "LUCA Training Notification" document.
